Wednesday, July 17, 2013


So, as most of my friends will tell you, I have ADD and an insane amount of energy. This is a tough subject for me to discuss because I don't like talking about my problems. I would rather be talking about more positive things. My friend told me that his grandma used to tell him that a problem isn't really a problem if money can fix it and I have a hard time disagreeing, though I'm sure there are some cases that could change my view. To me, real problems are when it's a life or death situation. How we view problems in our lives is something we all need to reanalyze. We complain about everything. There is literally a meme called first world problems and I guarantee that the majority of people have said some of those scenarios before. Anyways, My parents had me tested when I was younger and decided not to put me on medication. Thankfully, I have the most incredible mother who has always looked out for my well being. Without pills, my only outlet for my ADD was physical activity. When I channel my energy into a certain activity I am a tornado. If you've seen the Looney Tunes Character the Tazzmanian Devil, you'll get the idea. I've noticed that I am the happiest when I am moving and the more I concentrate on slowing down, the better I seem to get at it. Any time I am required to sit still or read, I have a mental war with myself. I feel like I could implode at any moment and it has taken me years to be able to concentrate for hours at a time. Now, When I look at reading a book as a mental exercise and let my brain work out, I feel a lot more relaxed. Practicing meditation, yoga and tai chi has been a godsend for me. There are times when I have wondered how differently my life would be had my parents put me on medication. I know I would have academically succeeded far greater but thinking that I would be physically dependent on this drug to help me function isn't okay with me. I don't want to take or use anything to be who I am. The path I have chosen has been incredibly difficult. Before I had a handle on this I didn't know how to handle it. My heart goes out to any kid that has to deal with that, but I am so grateful that I overcame this obstacle. The tests we are put through in life are mind blowing. What we learn opens our minds and hearts to the beauty of life. I truly believe that we are already in heaven. Regardless of how hard my life might be, I am grateful just to be able to experience it. No matter where you are, you have the chance to be someone greater. There is always room for growth in this life. That is a good thing. Fear and pain are a part of life. Get used to them so that they can't slow you down. Push back. Inner peace is worth the effort.


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