Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Right and Wrong, regardless of who you are, the natural balance of life is impossible to escape. What comes up, must come down. What goes around, comes around. All of these saying are based upon the foundation of Balance. Our existence wouldn't be worth living without balance. Because of balance we have good, light and right. Which in turn, creates evil, darkness and wrong. They go hand in hand. The further I continue down this journey of mine, the more I realize how important Balance is. The key is moderation and simplicity. Do things lightly, without confusion. When you do something, commit yourself to that action completely. The best thing about Balance is that you don't need to do anything for it to exist in your life. We can focus on doing things the right way or wrong way. We make that choice. Life presents us with the opportunity to make choices. There is always more then 1 option and there is always a natural balance. Two roads to choose from, left or right. What we choose will lead us to two outcomes which are perfectly explained in an old Cherokee tribe story which goes;
"One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about an internal battle that goes on inside all of us. He said, "My son, there is a battle between two great wolves inside of us all. One is evil, it is a liar, filled with hatred, greed and ego. The other is good, it expresses joy, love and compassion and is filled wit happiness and love. The grandson thought about his grandfather's words for a minute and then asked, "Grandpa, which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
It is up to you to choose which road you go down, what choices to make, or which wolf you feed.
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